We just wanted to take a quick moment to thank The Scare Factor and Nightmare on Edgewood for hosting a great end of the season party. It was a lot of fun and great to see our haunt friends again! If anyone has pictures they want to post, upload them (below) or post them in the comments!
Alex Vincent, best known as Andy from Child's Play will be at Haunted Orchards opening weekend. Wanna play?
![]() This past Saturday we attended the Ohio Halloween & Haunters Convention at the old Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, Ohio (AKA The Shawshank Redemption prison). We were grateful to meet some great folks from Blood Prison, Carnage, Mohican Haunted Schoolhouse as well as a new haunt opening this year at The Miller Building, A True American Haunt. We'll be doing our best to swing by each of these haunts this upcoming season! Check out each of their sites for additional information. ![]() Attention all real-life haunt hunters! Britt Griffith from Ghost Hunter may be coming to a town near you for a lecture. Check his site here for dates. Currently, the dates are as follows:
Britt has also started a Patreon page where you can purchase access to tips and tricks videos covering the technology he uses to detect spirits and how to ensure they're in the best working order. For you Halloween lovers out there, you should know that tonight marks the halfway point to Halloween. And if that isn't cause enough to celebrate, it is also a holiday in Germanic countries, Walpurgisnacht. Walpurgisnacht (or Hexennacht which means Witches' Night) is the night the witches ride on their broomsticks and gather at the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains. Originally named for St. Walburga, who lived in the 8th century whose feast was held on the eve of May Day or Beltane, this night is now celebrated with huge bonfires throughout Germanic Europe. That sounds like a great excuse to spend an evening watching your favorite witchy movies or shows. Not that I need much of an excuse. I've spent the day watching a couple episodes of the old Addam's Family TV show, and Afflicted (read about it here: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/afflicted_2013/). I haven't decided what I'm going to indulge in tonight. So many movies to choose from...
If you're participating in this possibly stormy night of witches, what will you be doing? Let us know in the comments! ...or should we say morning? Other than shaking some hands before we left, the only thing on the agenda was a quick interview for Todd with the Haunted Attractions Network / Flatline Radio. You can watch it here (very first one):
https://www.facebook.com/ScaryVisions/posts/1709827929044354 All in all it was a great trip and highly beneficial for what we are trying to do with this site going forward. This is spring and summer, keep a lookout for additions and new features to HHT. To be sure you don't miss the most important announcements, sign up for the newsletter on the contact page. We also plan on running various contest and giveaways so be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter (Instagram and Snapchat coming soon)! And now, time for sleep... We arrived on the show floor later in the day...around 2:30 - 3:00 so we did not have a lot of time to explore the massive layout. We did run into some familiar faces already - Darrell Smith from Stillwell Manor (Anderson, IN) and Richard Teachout from Asylum Props / Asylum Haunted Scream Park (Louisville, KY). Todd made a quick visit to the Norcostco booth to get some coating materials. The rest of the afternoon was simply enjoying the vast amounts of eye candy...we've barely scratched the surface! It's time for our yearly migration to St. Louis for the best time ever -Transworld. This event is where haunters come from all over to learn, teach, buy, network and of course, party.
We we will post updates via Facebook (/hauntedhousetour) and twitter (@hh_tour) so keep a watch on those. We we will have a full report right here after the weekend! |
November 2023