Todd CoxOwner / Reviewer
I am Groot. Actually I'm Todd. You might remember me from such 2016 haunt interviews as The Dent Schoolhouse or The Haunted Hotel. Unfortunately, I was not blessed with vertical dominance so we usually need to keep the camera zoomed out to keep everyone in the shot. Just look down. I'll be there. |
Teresa Meredith
I've been into Halloween as long as I can remember, and I grew up watching horror movies. I especially like ones with a bit of humor, but then again, I find things funny others might not. I've also been touring haunted houses since I was quite young. I sometimes feel bad about it, but you won't see me running and screaming at one; I'm always laughing. I love a great actor, a creepy scene with tons of ambiance, creativity, jump scares, and awesome props. I just love haunts! I have the best time going through with people who try to be brave! And full-contact haunts make me absolutely giddy. For those out there who think I'm crazy -because what if some lunatic actually does start killing people at one of these things- well, I would be the first of the group to die, but I'd die laughing, so that's good. And while we're on the topic, could someone please start a cemetery for haunters? I'd like a discount on a plot, please. Chop chop! |
Paul Meredith
While most of the others in the group have loved scary things since they were young, that is completely not the case for me. I only recently got into haunts because my wife loves them so much. At first I would only go if she bribed me with some Jelly Bellies or corn dogs, then after a few haunts -and being 6 jelly beans short of diabetes- I got to the point where I couldn't wait to go to the next one. |
Gayle Legris
My love for all things scary began at a young age when I would sneak out of bed to stay up all night watching classic horror flicks until sign off. I never outgrew it! It's lead to stumbling upon an entire group of people who have my same affection, or rather obsession! I look forward to 'haunt season' every year with this amazing group of people. Despite doing this for many, many years, each time I enter a haunt, it still feels like the very first time! |
Donna Ruwe
I have always been a fan of Halloween haunted houses scary movies and horror literature. My friends called me the fright master when I was younger and the nickname stuck. I have been reviewing haunted houses for 26 years after creating my own haunted house in the basement of my home for many years. I am married with four grown children and six grandchildren all of them share a love for Halloween and all things scary. |