Todd - The most important thing I’ve learned in all my years of going to The Haunted Hotel is that pretty much, nothing is off limits. I’ve been bent over backwards, slammed down on tables, had sparks ignited inches from my face, shoved into walls, put into headlocks, had countless shanks held to my throat, been nearly impaled by a giant cockroach, covered in blood, covered in even more blood and on one special occasion, had a lovely actress pull my face into her ample bosom. Thank you to whoever that was.
My point is, going in this year I thought I had experienced it all. Nope. As we waited on the steps for that infamous front door to slide open, we were instructed to hold out our hands like we were praying. Sure – I’ll play along…and out comes to the duct tape. Round and round the roll went around my wrists as I felt the adhesive tenaciously clinging to every hair on my arm. I noticed the look of utter confusion and hesitancy from some other patrons waiting in line. Fortunately for them, I can only assume this treatment was reserved for certain groups. Otherwise, the expense for cases of tape must be staggering. We were also sprinkled with gold glitter which indicated we were to receive special treatment…and well, you could say we did.
Historically, the opening scene for The Haunted Hotel goes something like this: You walk in, line up along the wall and you’re greeted by a character from the hotel who pretty much just informs you that you’re fucked before sending you on your way. This year, we were damn near yanked inside and thrown to the wall by not one but three demented individuals. If you’re familiar with this room, then you know it’s not big so it was a wee bit tight. We were greeted with much hostility and threatening demeanor before we were sent on our way.
Through the hotel, we encountered all the same physical contact we’ve come to expect. Over the years, the intensity of the hands-on contact has wavered. There were a few years where it felt as if they were holding back a little and we walked away disappointed. I would rank this year in my top two most extreme experiences at The Haunted Hotel. Naturally having my hands bound kept things interesting, but despite this, it was an invasive encounter. The whole time I was thinking to myself, “Don’t fall…don’t fall.” I didn’t even want to think of by what means I would be picked up if I had tripped. At one point, the bellhop tried to shove us into the fountain by the stairs leading to the second story. I think he was successful with Emily, but I’ll tell you – I was leveraging my upper body strength with all my willpower to avoid getting soaked. The actors were extra grabby and feely too. By the end I came out looking like I had purposely applied war paint to my face. Oh and the tape? Yeah, that had to be cut off with scissors. Not only did the tape take a fair amount of arm hair with it, it also ripped the screen protector clean off my apple watch too. It’s fine…it had a bubble in it anyway.
I still wish the outside portion has more to offer. The whole inside is a chaotic hell with walls and a roof…and then the outside is a big downshift in the level of energy. Over the years, more and more has been added to the outside to make it longer, maximizing the available space and props, fog, etc. have been added to vary it up. However, it just doesn’t carry the same intensity. Of course, those who get spooked by the chainsaws may disagree, but those do nothing to me. I just casually walk by them. If I were ever attacked by a Leatherface copycat, I’d be sliced and diced instantly. Anyhow, if I had a magic wand, I’d probably yank everything out of that back lot and build a new structure with tight halls and more dingy rooms and a second story landing where the actors push you into a massive ball pit. That’s feasible, right? “Hunted Hotel – The Annex.” [Insert owner’s sarcastic laughter here]
The actors are probably the most dependent factor here than any other haunt because they MUST be comfortable enough to shatter any sense of personal boundary. It’s what makes The Haunted Hotel what it is. Some haunts have fascinating builds or extraordinary home-brewed props. The Haunted Hotel looks a lot like just a random, run down building that would be condemned in real life filled, with enough rusty looking things to make you beg for a tetanus shot. The true soul of this haunt is the collective intrusiveness of the those inside and what a hell of a job they do. I don’t know if I’ll ever get enough of this place. For that brief 20 minutes or so, my mind is clear of any other thought or concern. I am only in the moment, enjoying every simulated threat to my very being and loving it.
My point is, going in this year I thought I had experienced it all. Nope. As we waited on the steps for that infamous front door to slide open, we were instructed to hold out our hands like we were praying. Sure – I’ll play along…and out comes to the duct tape. Round and round the roll went around my wrists as I felt the adhesive tenaciously clinging to every hair on my arm. I noticed the look of utter confusion and hesitancy from some other patrons waiting in line. Fortunately for them, I can only assume this treatment was reserved for certain groups. Otherwise, the expense for cases of tape must be staggering. We were also sprinkled with gold glitter which indicated we were to receive special treatment…and well, you could say we did.
Historically, the opening scene for The Haunted Hotel goes something like this: You walk in, line up along the wall and you’re greeted by a character from the hotel who pretty much just informs you that you’re fucked before sending you on your way. This year, we were damn near yanked inside and thrown to the wall by not one but three demented individuals. If you’re familiar with this room, then you know it’s not big so it was a wee bit tight. We were greeted with much hostility and threatening demeanor before we were sent on our way.
Through the hotel, we encountered all the same physical contact we’ve come to expect. Over the years, the intensity of the hands-on contact has wavered. There were a few years where it felt as if they were holding back a little and we walked away disappointed. I would rank this year in my top two most extreme experiences at The Haunted Hotel. Naturally having my hands bound kept things interesting, but despite this, it was an invasive encounter. The whole time I was thinking to myself, “Don’t fall…don’t fall.” I didn’t even want to think of by what means I would be picked up if I had tripped. At one point, the bellhop tried to shove us into the fountain by the stairs leading to the second story. I think he was successful with Emily, but I’ll tell you – I was leveraging my upper body strength with all my willpower to avoid getting soaked. The actors were extra grabby and feely too. By the end I came out looking like I had purposely applied war paint to my face. Oh and the tape? Yeah, that had to be cut off with scissors. Not only did the tape take a fair amount of arm hair with it, it also ripped the screen protector clean off my apple watch too. It’s fine…it had a bubble in it anyway.
I still wish the outside portion has more to offer. The whole inside is a chaotic hell with walls and a roof…and then the outside is a big downshift in the level of energy. Over the years, more and more has been added to the outside to make it longer, maximizing the available space and props, fog, etc. have been added to vary it up. However, it just doesn’t carry the same intensity. Of course, those who get spooked by the chainsaws may disagree, but those do nothing to me. I just casually walk by them. If I were ever attacked by a Leatherface copycat, I’d be sliced and diced instantly. Anyhow, if I had a magic wand, I’d probably yank everything out of that back lot and build a new structure with tight halls and more dingy rooms and a second story landing where the actors push you into a massive ball pit. That’s feasible, right? “Hunted Hotel – The Annex.” [Insert owner’s sarcastic laughter here]
The actors are probably the most dependent factor here than any other haunt because they MUST be comfortable enough to shatter any sense of personal boundary. It’s what makes The Haunted Hotel what it is. Some haunts have fascinating builds or extraordinary home-brewed props. The Haunted Hotel looks a lot like just a random, run down building that would be condemned in real life filled, with enough rusty looking things to make you beg for a tetanus shot. The true soul of this haunt is the collective intrusiveness of the those inside and what a hell of a job they do. I don’t know if I’ll ever get enough of this place. For that brief 20 minutes or so, my mind is clear of any other thought or concern. I am only in the moment, enjoying every simulated threat to my very being and loving it.
Paul - Well, that's the first time I've been glittered in a haunt.
The Haunted Hotel is its own animal, and you never know what craziness you might have to go through each time you're there. This year I had my hat stolen (again), I had my face covered in some kind of black goo, I had glitter sprinkled all over me, and I had my hands duct taped together in front of me. Plus the usual pushing, shoving, and menacing. I did manage to avoid getting put in the fountain, but that's only because I happened to be way bigger than the guy doing the dunking and I decided I wasn't getting soaked on top of everything else.
But that's what The Haunted Hotel does... It does what's necessary to overwhelm your senses, and incite terror. The actors aren't just pushing you around or dunking you in water because they're sadists, they're doing it to make you uncomfortable and uneasy. They want your emotions to start flowing and for you to start having doubts about your safety. They want to scare you, and they do a hell of a job of it.
This year was one of the craziest I've experienced in a while. It was louder, more intense, and more aggressive than usual, and it made for a really wild time. I don't think there's really even much more to say.
It's The Haunted Hotel.
The Haunted Hotel is its own animal, and you never know what craziness you might have to go through each time you're there. This year I had my hat stolen (again), I had my face covered in some kind of black goo, I had glitter sprinkled all over me, and I had my hands duct taped together in front of me. Plus the usual pushing, shoving, and menacing. I did manage to avoid getting put in the fountain, but that's only because I happened to be way bigger than the guy doing the dunking and I decided I wasn't getting soaked on top of everything else.
But that's what The Haunted Hotel does... It does what's necessary to overwhelm your senses, and incite terror. The actors aren't just pushing you around or dunking you in water because they're sadists, they're doing it to make you uncomfortable and uneasy. They want your emotions to start flowing and for you to start having doubts about your safety. They want to scare you, and they do a hell of a job of it.
This year was one of the craziest I've experienced in a while. It was louder, more intense, and more aggressive than usual, and it made for a really wild time. I don't think there's really even much more to say.
It's The Haunted Hotel.
Emily - Haunted Hotel was madness inside and out. The crowd on the night we visited was immense. It didn’t seem like they were doing any timed ticketing measures, which has helped other haunts manage traffic and crowds this year. When we first entered the haunt, our hands were duct taped and we were slammed against the wall for introductions and a face full of oil. Yum.
The elevator is always a favorite of this haunt. This year, it was a girl in the elevator with us. She did a great job, but her long hair gave away her positioning. From there, the haunt continued to be aggressive. I was thrown under a fountain, we were shocked, pushed, and shoved with all out intensity. Definitely a step up from last year. I am looking forward to more stays at Haunted Hotel.
The elevator is always a favorite of this haunt. This year, it was a girl in the elevator with us. She did a great job, but her long hair gave away her positioning. From there, the haunt continued to be aggressive. I was thrown under a fountain, we were shocked, pushed, and shoved with all out intensity. Definitely a step up from last year. I am looking forward to more stays at Haunted Hotel.
Questions? Have a story to share? Leave it in the comments!